Crew and Facilities Service

Sign up to our crew service

Our crew database is open to all freelance crew members who have at least one professional credit and are either based in or have worked in the Yorkshire and Humber region. If you are new to the industry and don’t yet have any credits or you are unsure if the service is for you then please get in touch with our Film Office team. We will be happy to advise you on targeting your cv towards the opportunities available and also to signpost to industry training schemes. The online form takes 5-10 minutes to complete.
Sign up to our crew database online here.

Sign up to our facilities service

Our facilities database is open to companies based in Yorkshire and Humber that supply goods or services to the film and television industry. Any company that has worked in film or television from catering to casting and security to studios is encouraged to join. The online form takes 5-10 minutes to complete.
Sign up to our facilities database online here.

Check out our crew  showcase below to hear from some of the amazingly talented freelancers working in film and TV in Yorkshire and Humber.

Get in touch


    Liam McGlinchey, Film Office Coordinator

    Liam supports and develops the work of our Film Office, attracting and supporting regional film and TV production in Yorkshire and Humber, working with Film Office colleagues Chris, Nardia and Ryan. Overseeing the delivery of Screen Yorkshire’s Crew and Facilities service, Liam builds and maintains our database of regional crew and supply chain companies. Liam has previously worked in a number of production companies in London - Number 9 Films, Shine TV and Kudos Film and Television providing support to all departments and spending time on set with Celebrity MasterChef and Banged Up.