Kay Mellor’s critically acclaimed The Syndicate is returning to the small screen with its latest tale of a workplace dealing with the unexpected drama that accompanies a lottery win. As with the previous series, The Syndicate begins with the unsuspecting employees of a relatively ordinary Yorkshire workplace, in this case a kennels, who’s lives are about to be turned around by a single ticket:
The employees of Woodvale Kennels are initially panicked when the owners announce they are selling the business to a large corporate chain – putting all their jobs at risk. With the income they depend on to get them from month to month looking uncertain, the syndicate are at least relieved to have the £500 they just won in the lottery. That is until they realise that their local newsagent may have duped them out of a much larger sum – £27 million to be exact! What follows is an intense game of cat and mouse which takes our misfit Kennel crew out of their everyday Yorkshire and into the glamour and excess of Monaco.